Till- po.st|Nimsl game with Elsie High
Si-liool will he played Thursday eveiilny
of tills w’is'k, Tliis will III- llie last
game of the hs-al scliedule and is the
lenniiialioii of live mouths of i-ousls
lent work on the isirl of the lia-al
The secoiiil leaiii will play Ihe pre
limimiry gaiiie at eight o’l-liM-k wllh thi
main go al uilie o’chs-k.
■Mr. Ii. II. Kuhii, of SI. Johns, will
referis- Ihe i-oiilests.
“I.ove me. love my ilog,” is the
ultimatum of Miss Jessie K. Waldon,
of Dundee, Mich., who, it is said, refused to leave her .-g-hool in district
No. 7, tlroveland town.ship, after th.'
board, outrage^l by her insistence to
be permitted to keep a dog and a litter of puppies in the school, had discharged her.
Miss Waldon was engaged last summer, taking up her ilutk'S August .'!0.
It wa.5 in December that she brought
the puppiiv- to .school, it is declaix’il.
When the board objected, she removed them. Finding them back in
the building last w"eek, the board di.smisserl the teacher, but, it is claimed
she refused to he fired.
Some mls<‘ralile low down hummi
lieing Stoll* Fid. l-'rl.sliie'M sail water—
right from a pail iinderiiealh his ear.
Ed. has ls>en iiutting salt In the
water In his rndlalor rm'eiilly mid
ever.v iiiglit he would drain It off’ In a
pnll. mill rcllll In the iiiorniiig.
(Ill giiliig old to do Ills usual ^ stunt
a* few days ago (lie pail was empty,
mid Ed i-MlIzed Hint someone thought
th<*re was alcohol iti Ihe pail niid eoiillsctilerl Ihe same for their own use.
The Joke Is really on the Individual
who went south with Ihe saB niid If he
lliliiks he has alcohol In Ids radiator
he had l*etler have it tesiisl ts-fore
parking his ear some of theie eold