
Yeah yeah eyaha YEah yeha yeha Yeah Ye ay yeha Hello Aussie and Welcome!
The analogy of how time units lack linearity is very similar to how the bloodline is influenced by each individual's "contribution". Understand that because the "past" and "future" do not exist, the "idea" of ancestors and descendants is equally meaningless.
The small minds cannot understand that the actions in the NOW (as you understand it) define both those that have "come before" and will come "after". Except that both "groups" exist with the NOW in the NOW. Do something, ANYTHING, and the bloodline is affected, ALL the bloodline!
So following the drop analogy a drop of blood into a pool of blood CANNOT be undone and cannot be reconstituted! The single drop has changed the blood pool permanently. As you perceive it, the current drop affects ALL of the drops that had been added before and all that WILL be added, will by definition and necessity be different than had that single drop we are discussing not have occurred!
No past, no future! Think and ponder that long and hard, Make those little neurons fire furiously in comprehending that truth!
Laughing out loud!
Now, you say, why does my drop matter? Well, the cumulation of drops...of water OR blood, creates the environment in which things will, or will not develop!
Look at the bounty of life in the oceans of the world! Incalculable wealth and potential! Now dip your mental toe into the dead sea! Potential?? Not so much!
Unless one wanted a red algae bloom!
Laughing out loud!
It is now your turn to add your drop, Don't blame your descendants or place all the responsibility on the progeny to come.